The pdt_locales Module


All of the included locale classes shipped with pdt.

class cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.pdt_locales.pdtLocale_au

Bases: cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.pdt_locales.pdtLocale_base

en_AU Locale

class cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.pdt_locales.pdtLocale_base

Bases: object

default values for Locales

locale_keys = ['MonthOffsets', 'Months', 'WeekdayOffsets', 'Weekdays', 'dateFormats', 'dateSep', 'dayOffsets', 'dp_order', 'localeID', 'meridian', 'Modifiers', 're_sources', 're_values', 'shortMonths', 'shortWeekdays', 'timeFormats', 'timeSep', 'units', 'uses24', 'usesMeridian', 'numbers']
class cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.pdt_locales.pdtLocale_de

Bases: cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.pdt_locales.pdtLocale_base

de_DE Locale constants

Contributed by Debian parsedatetime package maintainer Bernd Zeimetz <>

class cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.pdt_locales.pdtLocale_en

Bases: cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.pdt_locales.pdtLocale_base

en_US Locale

class cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.pdt_locales.pdtLocale_es

Bases: cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.pdt_locales.pdtLocale_base

es Locale

Note that I don’t speak Spanish so many of the items below are still in English

class cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.pdt_locales.pdtLocale_icu(localeID)

Bases: cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.pdt_locales.pdtLocale_base

Create a locale from pyICU

The parsedatetime Package


Parse human-readable date/time text.

Requires Python 2.6 or later

class cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.Calendar(constants=None)

A collection of routines to input, parse and manipulate date and times. The text can either be ‘normal’ date values or it can be human readable.

Default constructor for the L{Calendar} class.

@type constants: object @param constants: Instance of the class L{Constants}

@rtype: object @return: L{Calendar} instance

_CalculateDOWDelta(wd, wkdy, offset, style, currentDayStyle)

Based on the C{style} and C{currentDayStyle} determine what day-of-week value is to be returned.

@type wd: integer @param wd: day-of-week value for the current day @type wkdy: integer @param wkdy: day-of-week value for the parsed day @type offset: integer @param offset: offset direction for any modifiers (-1, 0, 1) @type style: integer @param style: normally the value set in C{Constants.DOWParseStyle} @type currentDayStyle: integer @param currentDayStyle: normally the value set in C{Constants.CurrentDOWParseStyle}

@rtype: integer @return: calculated day-of-week

_UnitsTrapped(s, m, key)
_buildTime(source, quantity, modifier, units)

Take C{quantity}, C{modifier} and C{unit} strings and convert them into values. After converting, calcuate the time and return the adjusted sourceTime.

@type source: time @param source: time to use as the base (or source) @type quantity: string @param quantity: quantity string @type modifier: string @param modifier: how quantity and units modify the source time @type units: string @param units: unit of the quantity (i.e. hours, days, months, etc)

@rtype: struct_time @return: C{struct_time} of the calculated time


Converts text units into their number value

Five = 5 Twenty Five = 25 Two hundred twenty five = 225 Two thousand and twenty five = 2025 Two thousand twenty five = 2025

@type unitText: string @param unitText: number text to convert

@rtype: integer @return: numerical value of unitText

_evalModifier(modifier, chunk1, chunk2, sourceTime)

Evaluate the C{modifier} string and following text (passed in as C{chunk1} and C{chunk2}) and if they match any known modifiers calculate the delta and apply it to C{sourceTime}.

@type modifier: string @param modifier: modifier text to apply to sourceTime @type chunk1: string @param chunk1: first text chunk that followed modifier (if any) @type chunk2: string @param chunk2: second text chunk that followed modifier (if any) @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base

@rtype: tuple @return: tuple of: remaining text and the modified sourceTime

_evalModifier2(modifier, chunk1, chunk2, sourceTime)

Evaluate the C{modifier} string and following text (passed in as C{chunk1} and C{chunk2}) and if they match any known modifiers calculate the delta and apply it to C{sourceTime}.

@type modifier: string @param modifier: modifier text to apply to C{sourceTime} @type chunk1: string @param chunk1: first text chunk that followed modifier (if any) @type chunk2: string @param chunk2: second text chunk that followed modifier (if any) @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base

@rtype: tuple @return: tuple of: remaining text and the modified sourceTime

_evalString(datetimeString, sourceTime=None)

Calculate the datetime based on flags set by the L{parse()} routine

Examples handled::
RFC822, W3CDTF formatted dates HH:MM[:SS][ am/pm] MM/DD/YYYY DD MMMM YYYY

@type datetimeString: string @param datetimeString: text to try and parse as more “traditional”

date/time text

@type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base

@rtype: datetime @return: calculated C{struct_time} value or current C{struct_time}

if not parsed

Convert a quantity, either spelled-out or numeric, to an integer

@type quantity: string @param quantity: quantity to parse to int @rtype: int @return: the quantity as an integer, defaulting to 0

evalRanges(datetimeString, sourceTime=None)

Evaluate the C{datetimeString} text and determine if it represents a date or time range.

@type datetimeString: string @param datetimeString: datetime text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base

@rtype: tuple @return: tuple of: start datetime, end datetime and the invalid flag

inc(source, month=None, year=None)

Takes the given C{source} date, or current date if none is passed, and increments it according to the values passed in by month and/or year.

This routine is needed because Python’s C{timedelta()} function does not allow for month or year increments.

@type source: struct_time @param source: C{struct_time} value to increment @type month: integer @param month: optional number of months to increment @type year: integer @param year: optional number of years to increment

@rtype: datetime @return: C{source} incremented by the number of months and/or years

nlp(inputString, sourceTime=None)

Utilizes parse() after making judgements about what datetime information belongs together.

It makes logical groupings based on proximity and returns a parsed datetime for each matched grouping of datetime text, along with location info within the given inputString.

@type inputString: string @param inputString: natural language text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base

@rtype: tuple or None @return: tuple of tuples in the format (parsed_datetime as datetime.datetime, flags as int, start_pos as int,

end_pos as int, matched_text as string) or None if there were no matches
parse(datetimeString, sourceTime=None)

Splits the given C{datetimeString} into tokens, finds the regex patterns that match and then calculates a C{struct_time} value from the chunks.

If C{sourceTime} is given then the C{struct_time} value will be calculated from that value, otherwise from the current date/time.

If the C{datetimeString} is parsed and date/time value found then the second item of the returned tuple will be a flag to let you know what kind of C{struct_time} value is being returned:

0 = not parsed at all
1 = parsed as a C{date}
2 = parsed as a C{time}
3 = parsed as a C{datetime}

@type datetimeString: string @param datetimeString: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base

@rtype: tuple @return: tuple of: modified C{sourceTime} and the result flag

parseDate(dateString, sourceTime=None)

Parse short-form date strings:

'05/28/2006' or '04.21'

@type dateString: string @param dateString: text to convert to a C{datetime}

@rtype: struct_time @return: calculated C{struct_time} value of dateString

parseDateText(dateString, sourceTime=None)

Parse long-form date strings:

'May 31st, 2006'
'Jan 1st'
'July 2006'

@type dateString: string @param dateString: text to convert to a datetime

@rtype: struct_time @return: calculated C{struct_time} value of dateString

class cloudfusion.third_party.parsedatetime.parsedatetime.Constants(localeID=None, usePyICU=True, fallbackLocales=['en_US'])

Bases: object

Default set of constants for parsedatetime.

If PyICU is present, then the class will first try to get PyICU to return a locale specified by C{localeID}. If either C{localeID} is None or if the locale does not exist within PyICU, then each of the locales defined in C{fallbackLocales} is tried in order.

If PyICU is not present or none of the specified locales can be used, then the class will initialize itself to the en_US locale.

if PyICU is not present or not requested, only the locales defined by C{pdtLocales} will be searched.


Return a dictionary of date/time tuples based on the keys found in self.re_sources.

The current time is used as the default and any specified item found in self.re_sources is inserted into the value and the generated dictionary is returned.

daysInMonth(month, year)

Take the given month (1-12) and a given year (4 digit) return the number of days in the month adjusting for leap year as needed


Initialize symbols and single character constants.


Parse an RFC822, RFC1123, RFC2822, or asctime-style date


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