The bulk_get_metadata_google_store Module



Subclass of GoogleStore, extending it by implementing the BulkGetMetadata interface for quick directory lising.

get_bulk_metadata(*args, **kwargs)
Returns:A dictionary mapping the path of every file object in directory to a dictionary with the keys ‘modified’, ‘bytes’ and ‘is_dir’ containing the corresponding metadata for the file object.

The value for ‘modified’ is a date in seconds, stating when the file object was last modified. The value for ‘bytes’ is the number of bytes of the file object. It is 0 if the object is a directory. The value for ‘is_dir’ is True if the file object is a directory and False otherwise.

Raises:NoSuchFilesytemObjectError if the directory does not exist

The google_store Module

Created on 08.04.2011

@author: joe



Subclass of Store implementing an interface to the Google Storage storage. File objects are stored in a top level container called bucket. There are no directories. They are simulated by appending a slash to a file object. I.e. “somepath/” is a directory name, but “somepath” without the slash is considered a file. Google Storage provides an interface to list file objects with a certain prefix, and a delimiter, which is used to list single directories. I.e. bucket.list(“somepath/”, delimiter=”/”) returns a list of all file paths beginning with “somepath/” that do not contain a slash after the prefix or end in a slash. For instance: [“somepath/file1”, “somepath/dir1/”, “somepath/file2”]. For compatibility with other tools, file objects with content type “application/x-directory” or file objects ending with _$folder$ are recognized as directories, too.

config is a dictionary with the keys id (access_key_id), secret (secret_access_key), and bucket_name. For instance:

    config['id'] = 'FDS54548SDF8D2S311DF' 
    config['secret'] = 'D370JKD=564++873ZHFD9FDKDD'
    config['bucket_name'] = 'cloudfusion'
The bucket will be created if it does not exist. A bucket is similar to a subfolder,
to which access with CloudFusion is restricted.         
Id and secret can be obtained from the developer's console:

* Go to
* Create a new project
* Select Project dashboard on the left, which opens a new tab
* Go to the new tab
* Select Billing on the left to set up billing
* Select Google Cloud Storage on the left 
* Click on the button labeled "Make this my default project for interoperable storage access"
* Click on Interoperable Access on the left 
* Click Generate new key, to generate the new key pair
Parameters:config – dictionary with key value pairs
_handle_error(error, stacktrace, method_name, remaining_tries, *args, **kwargs)

Used by retry decorator to react to errors.

Parameters:key – instance of boto’s Key class
Returns:True iff key is a directory
account_info(*args, **kwargs)
create_directory(*args, **kwargs)
delete(*args, **kwargs)
duplicate(*args, **kwargs)
get_directory_listing(*args, **kwargs)

Return maximum number of bytes per file

get_metadata(*args, **kwargs)
move(*args, **kwargs)
store_fileobject(*args, **kwargs)

Write credentials to .boto configuration file, for gsutil to use.

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